"Oh roaring sea! Oh lapping waves!
You impress me none the more,
Oh roaring sea! Oh lapping waves!
You amuse me none the more!
A while is past, since we met last,
You are as blue as before;
Great ocean vast, please tell me fast,
Are you deeper one inch more?"
In much unrest, I slept that night
The sea wasn't such a bore;
It left a mark, that sublime sight,
What I said had made me sore.
In my mind, the tides were changing
To settle there lay a score
Next day with a different feeling,
Straight I headed for the shore,
"Dear sea, lied I yesterday!
You impress me all the more!
Each time I sea your sprawling bay,
You bewitch me more and more!"
PS: Written when I came to Madras and revisited the ocean after a sizable hiatus